©2023, Libertex
Risk Warning: Trading in financial instruments is a risky activity and can bring not only profits, but also losses. The amount of possible losses is limited by the amount of the deposit. Libertex is a trademark of Libertex International Company LLC.
Libertex.org is operated by MAEX LIMITED, a company registered in the Republic of Mauritius (Registration No. 158250 C1/GBL and Licence № С118023400 issued by the Financial Services Commission, Mauritius).
The entity, which accepts payments from clients and transfers credit card payments back to clients, is Holcomb Finance Limited, a company registered in Cyprus (Registration No. HE 183254).
The affiliate programme is not permitted in Spain for the commercialisation of investment services and client acquisitions by unauthorised third parties.
The Company does not accept any customers from and does not operate in any of the following restricted countries, such as: Russia, USA, Japan, Brazil and European Union; countries identified by FATF as high risk and non-cooperative jurisdictions having strategic AML/CFT deficiencies; and countries that are under international sanctions.